Registration closes August 7! Limited seats remain. Don't delay. Sign up today!

Healing Haunted Histories:
A Settler Discipleship of Decolonization
(7) Class Sessions: Thursdays, September 7 & 21, October 5 & 19, November 2, 16, & 30
4-7 p.m. EST / 3-6 p.m. CST / 2-5 p.m. MST / 1-4 p.m. PST (USA)

This Healing Haunted Histories book study will be a practical workshop, challenging each participant to do your own Landlines-Bloodlines-Songlines (LBS) work, sharing findings and exploring next steps in restorative solidarity and reparations. This gathering is not for spectating or information only! We all commit to the required reading, research and homework, and to offering accountability and encouragement to each other in our decolonization work.
Through social analysis, communal narratives, historical literacy and biblical reflection, we will tackle the oldest and deepest injustices on the North American continent, which inhabit every intersection of settler and Indigenous worlds past and present. We will explore the places, peoples and spirits that have formed (and deformed) us in order to build capacity for our discipleship of decolonization, and personal and political Restorative Solidarity with our Indigenous neighbors. Each participant—whether white or settler of color, new immigrant or Indigenous, or mix—is invited to adapt our LBS model to their particular context.
Students commit to the required reading, research and homework, and to offering accountability and encouragement to each other. Please go here for more information on Healing Haunted Histories.
Healing Haunted Histories: A Settler Discipleship of Decolonization
7 session course facilitated by Dr. Elaine Enns
Each session is three hours and includes:
Opening plenary led by Elaine with an introduction and overview of the reading assignment;
Designated small groups of 4 to 6 participants for personal work around decolonizing discipleship;
Report-outs and discussion through JamBoards, councils and other conversation tools;
A final gathering plenary for reflections, questions and discussion.
Reading assignments and pre-class preparation:
Articles provided by Elaine.
Specified chapters of the book Healing Haunted Histories: A Settler Discipleship of Decolonization. See reading plan and book order information below.

Participants purchase a copy of this book in their preferred format (paperback, audio, Kindle, etc.):
Healing Haunted Histories: A Settler Discipleship of Decolonization, by Elaine Enns and Ched Myers (Cascade, 2021).
Note: Order through publisher page to receive 40% discount on book. Discount code provided upon registration. ​
Allow 3 to 4 weeks delivery time.
Live class sessions meet Thursdays via Zoom.
Class Dates: September 7 & 21, October 5 & 19, and November 2, 16 & 30
Class Times: 4-7 p.m. EST / 3-6 p.m. CST / 2-5 p.m. MST / 1-4 p.m. PST (USA)
Cost: $350 per person | 2.0 CEUs: $10
Minimum Registration fee: $100
Payment plan available for balance of course costs. Contact Pansy Crumpler at
Registration closes on August 7, 2023, at noon EST (USA)
Enrollment cap: 30 spaces
This course is open to persons coast to coast.
Persons from NC Conference of The UMC should contact Steve Taylor, Director of Connectional Ministries,
at the conference office regarding scholarships before registering.​
You may cancel at any time up to August 7, 2023, by emailing
Your credit card will receive a refund, minus a $25 cancellation fee.
If you have any questions, please contact Pansy Crumpler.

Elaine Enns has worked in the field of restorative justice since 1989, first focusing on victim-offender dialogue work in the Criminal Justice System, and more recently looking at how restorative justice applies to historical violations, including issues of intergenerational trauma and healing. She holds a Doctor of Ministry, and leads workshops throughout North America on restorative solidarity and discipleship practices of decolonization. She has published over a dozen articles, and coauthored with her partner, activist theologian Ched Myers:
Healing Haunted Histories: A Settler Discipleship of Decolonization (Cascade, 2021);
Two-volume Ambassadors of Reconciliation: New Testament Reflections on Restorative Justice and Peacemaking and Ambassadors of Reconciliation: Diverse Christian Practices of Restorative Justice and Peacemaking (Orbis Books, 2009).
An ecumenical Mennonite, Elaine was born and raised in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and lives in southern California where she co-directs Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries (www.bcm-net.org) on traditional Chumash land.