Native American Christianity and Cultures of Eastern North Carolina: A Pilgrimage
Join us for a pilgrimage to the “land of the Lumbee!”

Time & Location
Dec 01, 2019, 5:00 PM – Dec 04, 2019, 5:00 PM
Triad Native American UMC, 3010 Monterey St, Greensboro, NC 27406, USA
About the Event
(This pilgrimage is made possible by a generous grant from the Reynolds Ministries Fund and The UM Foundation of Western North Carolina Conference and led by David Wilson, Pam Baker, Elaine Heath, and Lynne Caldwell).
Join us for a pilgrimage to the “land of the Lumbee!”
Experience worship and fellowship with sisters and brothers in Christ as they share faith, history, culture, and best practices of faith-sharing, disciple-making, missional engagement, community leadership, and working for justice. Deepen understandings of Native American Christianity in North Carolina. Expect to be transformed and renewed as we journey together in the season of Advent, and expand relationships within God’s neighborhood!
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Gather at Triad Native American UMC, 3010 Monterey St., Greensboro, 27406 336-333-2890 (church); Pastor: Rev. Kimberly Clarke https://www.facebook.com/pages/Triad-Native-American/380110572194391
5:00 p.m. Welcome, Program Introduction; Evening Meal and Worship Service
Overnight at home; or secure individual hotel room reservations in Greensboro
Monday, December 2, 2019
Breakfast on your own
9:00 a.m. Depart Triad Native American UMC via bus; travel to Pembroke, NC
Lunch in Pembroke (Personal cost)
Meet Pamela Baker, Coordinator of Pilgrimage in Pembroke, NC
Check-in Holiday Inn Express, 605 Redmond Rd, Pembroke, 28372 910-521-1311
Tour and Conversation at Lumbee Tribe Office Building
Welcome/Presentation: Dr. Kenneth Locklear, Gateway DS, NCC; Lumbee Tribal Administrator
Evening Meal and Worship Service provided by Pembroke-First UMC
Return to Holiday Inn Express for overnight
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Breakfast at Holiday Inn (included with room)
9:00 a.m. Depart hotel for Pleasant Grove UMC, 3512 Union School Road, Rowland, 28383; 910-736-0180; https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Religious-Organization/Pleasant-Grove-UMC-155322034800362/
Opening Session at Pleasant Grove UMC: Rev. Dr. David Wilson, Pilgrimage Guide
Tour of Native American Cooperative Ministry, NC Conference
2708 Union School Road, Rowland, NC 28383; 910-522-5670
Lunch (on your own)
1:00 p.m. University of North Carolina-Pembroke (UNCP) 1 University Drive, 28372
Welcome and Historical Overview of UNC-P and Campus Tour
Tour Museum of Southeast American Indian; 910-521-6282;
Evening Meal, Worship Service and Lecture--David Wilson
Prospect UMC, 3929 Missouri Rd, Maxton, 28364; 919-521-2111 http://www.prospectumc.net/
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Breakfast at Holiday Inn (included with room); Check-out
9:00 a.m. Depart hotel for UNC-P and Museum
Pilgrimage Debrief, David Wilson, UNC-P Museum
12:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own) and additional time for exploration of Museum
2:30 p.m. Depart for Greensboro, NC
5:00 p.m. Return to Triad Native American Church, Greensboro, NC
COST $300 includes 3 days of pilgrimage, all tours, lectures; two nights at Holiday Inn Express, Pembroke; 2 breakfasts and 3 dinners; round-trip transportation from and returning to Triad Native American Church by bus via Christian Tours.
Register by emailing jrbwooten@gmail.com
Pay in full by 12 noon, November 8.
Some scholarships are available for pilgrims from Western North Carolina Conference. Contact Lynne Caldwell, Vice-President, and Dean of Programs, Neighborhood Seminary at: lynne@neighborhoodseminary.org.
HOTEL INFORMATION A block of rooms has been reserved for pilgrimage participants. Please make your reservation for a room by contacting Janet Wooten, Neighborhood Seminary Administrative Assistant, at jrbwooten@gmail.com no later than 12 noon, November 8. First come, first served for special group rate. Room costs are included in the pilgrimage fees.
605 Redmond Road, Pembroke, 28372; 910.521.1311; www.hiexpress.com/pembrokenc
Hot Express Start Breakfast 5:30 - 10:00 am daily, 24-hour desk, business center, fitness room
MEALS Breakfasts at hotel; dinners provided by churches; lunches personal cost of pilgrims.
The Soul of The Indian, Charles A. Eastman
The Lumbee Methodists-Getting to Know Them, Joseph M. Smith
Meet The Lumbee Methodists Part II, Milford Oxendine, Jr.
A Native American Theology, Clara Sue Kidwell, Homer Noley, George E. Tinker
The Lumbee Methodists: Getting to Know Them: A Folk History
(may be found at this link: https://nccumc.org/history/files/lumbee-book-ocr.pdf )
A note from our Pilgrimage Guide
I am excited about being a part of this immersion among the Lumbee people of North Carolina. The Lumbee Tribe is the largest in North Carolina and has been a long-standing presence in the state, and in what is now The United Methodist Church. During the immersion, we will visit various Lumbee United Methodist churches and share food, experience community, and hear stories of their impact and faithfulness in and outside of the Church. We will also spend time with Nancy Strickland Fields, Curator and Director of the Museum of the Southeast American Indian in Pembroke, North Carolina. Culturally, Nancy is a member of the Lumbee Tribe. Personally, she is a fierce storyteller, both of her own story and of those of American Indians from across the Southeast. I hope you will join us for this moving and educational event.
--Rev. Dr. David Wilson, Pilgrimage Leader; Superintendent Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference