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Neighborhood Seminary


  • Collaborative learning with teaching teams of practitioners and scholars

  • Accessible for lay people while built upon solid research and practice

  • Uses a variety of teaching methods because people learn in different ways


  • Practicing deep listening to God, others, and world in a posture of compassion


  • Attending to personal growth through time tested spiritual practices.


  • Large and small group experience with trained spiritual directors.


  • Working with missional innovators to learn to see as Jesus sees.


  • Building relationships with fellow learners, neighbors, and strangers.


  • Developing the senses to see and appreciate the gifts in ourselves and others.

Upcoming Courses



Register by December 1st for a $25 discount per class.

Register for more than one class for even greater savings!

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Course Postponed


Healing Haunted Histories: A Settler Discipleship of Decolonization has been postponed. 


Stay tuned for rescheduled dates and times.


Praying with Labyrinths:  Following the Movement (A Spiritual Formation Course)


8-week study facilitated by Rev. Kimberly Barker-Brugman

Mondays, January 23 - March 13, 2023

6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. EST (USA/Canada)

Use coupon code PWLEARLYBIRD at checkout by Dec 1st for  discount.


The Color of Compromise


10-week book study facilitated by Rev. Dr. James (Jim) Melson

Tuesdays, January 24 - March 28, 2023

7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. EST (USA/Canada)

Use coupon code COCLEARLYBIRD at checkout by Dec 1st for discount.

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Remember and Recommit: Modern Civil Rights Movement and the Ongoing Call for Racial Justice


10-week study facilitated by Rev. Dr. James (Jim) Melson

Tuesdays, April 18 - June 20, 2023

7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. EST (USA/Canada)

Use coupon code RAREARLYBIRD at checkout by Dec 1st for discount.


Ministry Partnership Spotlight

President Rev. Dr. Lynne Caldwell highlights
Neighborhood Seminary's partnership with Cornelias Corp
and their shared commitment to racial justice and reconciliation. 

Image by Mic Narra

Good News

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Retirement of Dr. Elaine Heath as President of Neighborhood Seminary Announced by  Board of Directors

Neighborhood Seminary is one of the many creative results of the life work of Dr. Elaine Heath who served as Founder and President from 2017-2022.  At its April meeting this spring, the Board of Directors announced the retirement of Dr. Heath as President, effective June 1, 2022. Dr. Heath's vision for new expressions of being Church, for embodying what it means to more fully love God and neighbor are at the heart of the identity, mission and practices of NS.

While the word "retirement" may reflect a shift in her relationship with Neighborhood Seminary, Dr. Heath's ministries of nurturing community, embodying good news and cultivating shalom continue to grow in capacity and strength as she moves even more fully into the life of the Spring Forest Community, an intentional faith community, both residential and dispersed. Dr. Heath serves as Abbess of the SF Community, shepherd of the sheep and goats (literally), and is collaborative team leader of multiple ministries emerging from SF including, but not limited to, monthly worshipping community, the Farm as certified CSA (Community Supported Agriculture); and partnerships with Church World Service and World Relief's work with refugees and immigrants, including English as Second Language (ESL).  (See


Dr. Heath will continue her relationship with Neighborhood Seminary as ambassador and as a partner in education offering short-term courses and seminars.


Please join the NS Board and National Lead Team in congratulating Dr. Heath on many jobs well done!

Image by Melanie Pongratz


Never One Thing: Remembering 2,000 Years of Innovative Expressions of Church

The Fresh Expressions Podcast


When you hear the word “church” you are likely imagining something that is very particular to your time and culture. But the church is 2,000 years old, and has many different expressions. This episode will introduce you to a variety of expressions of Church throughout the centuries.


The Church of the Future?

You Have Permission Podcast

"Today my guest, Dr. Elaine Heath, joins me to discuss her five principles of 'What the Church of the Future Needs to Contain". Dr. Heath was the first woman dean of Duke Divinity School and is an author, speaker, pastor, and consultant. Along with her five principles, we cover the value of wisdom traditions, socio-political identity, and more. Elaine says, "Christianity is losing its swagger" and "the Church's mission [towards people] should be to go to Hell for them."

What is the Work? What is the Wisdom?

The Wisdom & The Work Podcast

Join host Sterling Freeman as he sits down to chat with guests Kathleen Crabbs and Gita Gulati-Partee. Kathleen is a leadership and equity educator and coach, and a partner in organizational and cultural systems change. Gita Gulati-Partee is a the founder and principal of Open Source Leadership Strategies which researches, designs and evaluates racial and social justice efforts as well as builds capacity for racial and social justice organizations, movements and leaders around the world.

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What we are thinking about ...


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