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Image by Nicole Giampietro

Staying in Jerusalem: 
Waiting on the Spirit

Invitation to a 7-week spiritual formation
journey from Easter to Pentecost

Image by Daniel Tran

You Are Invited...


  • If you’re serving a congregation(s) in WNCC as Elder, Deacon, Licensed Local Pastor, or as Lay Pulpit Supply…


  • If you’re more than a little overworked and a bit overwhelmed by the stress, even trauma experienced in COVID, and/or related to disaffiliation processes…


  • If you’re needing some support, some encouragement, and an opportunity to remember your call, to find your feet beneath you, and to re-engage life-giving spiritual practices to carry you forward into God’s future—one filled with hope.


  • If you’re looking for an experience with healing grace in a community of others who’ve also been walking this path. . .




This is your invitation to join in a 7-week journey from Easter to Pentecost. First century sisters and brothers in the faith were probably in hiding, with a mixture of wonder and fear, hope and confusion, curiosity and bewilderment for all they had experienced in the days before and after Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. We, too, find ourselves betwixt and between chaos and the new creation.


While we ‘stay in Jerusalem, and await the power,’ let’s wait together, actively and attentively, and consider God’s call to us NOW.




This pilot is offered at this time only for persons appointed or assigned and serving in the WNC Conference of UMC.


<> Course begins with a 1-day retreat at the Catholic Conference Center in Hickory, NC, Friday, April 14, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm Rev. Dr. Elaine Heath will serve as retreat facilitator. Lunch provided.


<> Following retreat day, participants will meet virtually once a week for 90-minute conversations with a small group and a trained spiritual formation leader at a time determined by the group members. Small groups conversations will focus on an identified spiritual practice of the week, and Joan Chittister’s book: The Time is Now: A Call to Uncommon CourageSmall groups meet April 14 at the retreat, and weekly through June 2. Journals and copies of Chittister's book distributed at the retreat.


<> A closing celebration and event will be held at WNCC annual meeting at Lake Junaluska on Thursday, June 15, 10 –11: 30 am EST.




$50 per person for registration only.

1.5 CEUs: $10 paid at registration.


WNCCUMC Board of Ordained Ministry is resourcing this opportunity for spiritual formation so that participants’ costs are for registration only. For additional support for registration fee, contact Kim Ingram at




Registration closes April 1, 2023, at 5 pm.


Cancellations must be made by April 1, 2023, at 5 pm.

Registration fee minus $25 cancellation fee will be refunded.


*If you have any questions, please contact Pansy Crumpler,


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Rev. Dr. Elaine A. Heath is Abbess of Spring Forest. Her vocational journey includes having served as Dean of the Divinity School at Duke University, and the McCreless Professor of Evangelism at Perkins School of Theology. Much of her research, writing, and teaching in the academy and the church at large, has focused on the new monastic, missional church movement. She is a pioneer in new forms of theological education. In that capacity, Heath served as founding President of Neighborhood Seminary. The author of numerous books, she is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church and served in traditional pastoral ministry prior to her academic ministry.


You can find out more about her at:

Contact Elaine at

(Source:  Used with permission, 2023).

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